short and sweet from the heart

…..we strive, yearn…..
for this Love……and it is here…..within us…..deeply and purely…..

I witness and take in this ‘being human’……so many people… many common threads riding along side the diversity……so many…….the desire for connection, being seen, to love and be loved…..whatever that means to us……
I weep such resonant tears……all the incredible beauty all around….right there with the challenges and the struggles….the beauty each of us is………

I see all of us and everything connected……so incredibly radiant……
and I see it fray too….the divisiveness of words, judgement, fear, conditioning…..all these and more that can limit, separate or numb us……

And I practice…..bringing myself back time and time again… see the radiance…….because it will never vanish even when I am temporarily without my vision……

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